
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Excellent novel

Author: Khaled Hosseini

'The Kite Runner' by Khalid Hosseini is a great novel with exactly all the story and style, all perfect.

If you write like Hosseini, you will never have to think twice before giving your works for anyone to review.

In his official site, Hosseini calls 'Amir', the protagonist. But while reading the book, you would like to call it the story of Amir or that of the Kite Runner or Amir's father and of all the characters in the book. Rarely do you come across a book where each character has been so well etched.

There's so much to say and wonder about his writing style. He introduces you to the world of his characters by use of certain phrases and next time you come across them , since they are no longer new to you , you comfortably get under the skin of his characters.

'Rich' is the word that springs up to your mind when you see lots of words at work describing scenes. This surely is not the kind of description readers have been fed years on, the one which you need to read over again to see whats been told. Writing dialogues comes so natural to him.

In short, Hosseini has learnt the art of using words to work for him in a very infectious way each adding cumulatively to the effect of the next and the previous.

Sep 3, 2005, 5/5

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