
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Colorful illustrations

Most stories in A Treasury of Favorite tales are new to me.
'How the Camel Got his Hump', 'How the Leopard Got his spots', 'The Elephant's Child', 'The cat that walked by Himself' are collected from Rudyard Kipling's Just so stories. I would have liked this mentioned. 'The Golden Goose' is from 'The Grimm Fairy tales'. The rest are from 'Aesops fables'.

Even the known one like 'The Hare and the Tortoise', 'The Fox and the Stork' are interesting with their makeover look. Imagine the stork with a pearl necklace.

The text embeds so well into the picture that it seems like a picture book than a text book. The amount of text in a line is like a free verse poem, making the reading smooth.

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