
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, October 22, 2011

After reading 'Letting myself go' by Sally Tisdale Scoot over skinny, I wished she had a different viewpoint about losing weight.
A shorter version of that article.
Sympathetic pregnancies
The man who could not stop overeating
response to fat like him essay
In the Fat lady essay, countertransference, process and content in therapy,not to keep news of a parent's illness from kids, sympathy fast, 'pounds flowed off in rivulets'.
Dagwood sandwich
I couldnt go on reading Big game hunters and Big time. For some reason I thought the latter was by a woman even after reading the line about the author's difficulty with women.
In 'Fatland' Stephen Kuusisto says that 'no one who visits that country ever forgets it' and that he 'was only a tourist in the world of fat'. A reflection on how a body's existence is transitory in the fat land. With his newly attained fat by choice, people start noticing him. This popularity contrasts the oblivion faced by Natalie Kusz in 'on Being Invisible'. Being the designer of fat, he has the same cockiness as Stephen Shaw in Fat guys kick ass.
In 'Hunger', from Anne Lamott's therapist..'If I(AL) was feeling very other, sad and....'
The other sounds less like unknown more like the avoided.
Queen of the gym

Force field of fat in This is why I am fat
Fat acceptance movement

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