
Net Galley Challenge

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Alice in the wonderland goes high school

Growing up, we enjoyed an ad for oil where a puri (fried/puffed mini tortilla) rolls down a heap, and a kid has to watch out for that. It was a feast on the table, but the change in the perspective like from the 'Honey, I shrunk the kids', awakens us to our surroundings.
Lenny, the son of scientists is in love with a girl and he's about to change her mind about him at the molecular level. With the power vested in sciences - physics, microbiology, he finds his way into his girl's blood and is hitch hiking to her brain. All the friends (Astrocyte) and foes, he meets on the way of crossing Blood brain barrier make up for a great imagination in progress. To learn and remember the stuff like Perforin in here would take a long time and wouldn't last long in the head if we were to do it from a science textbook. I am taken by the technical in the book. But there's a play going on. You know how it is, when a play is to happen in high school. Drama.
The book alternates with chapters from 3 different point of views. Dan Brown style going on in terms of the frenzy shift.
It reminded me of the 'natural history of things' by Diane Ackerman and 'stiff' by Mary Roach. While these books are static knowledge, the middles schoolers like some action with their vitamin K. If you like knowing things in general and insides of human body in particular, you are in for a read. Watch out for those NKs (natural Killers).
There's a reference to Lunching with sharks.

anti-war poetry and the oxymoron of liberal fathers

Monday, May 27, 2013

How to get a pet or more? Crazy plots from Emma.

In the slow first half, the children in the family set stage for their demands of pets. Plotting for pets is such a hot topic. The kids pick a lesson from their parents life and use it to for their demands too. The book has tiny plots patched together, which dont work. Soccer Nanny has nothing to do with soccer. And most of the book is about how to get pets. Nanny is just a mediator into the adult world for Emma to get her way.

Wish Emma wasnt so possessive about the Nanny who seems to be her helpline for all her friend problems. The Nanny has never been to camping before. So the camping Nanny is a novice. If you have to buy an Emma Dilemma book then the soccer Nanny is better than this. 
personal journal class.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Culture points

Everyday life

Why we greet? celf Center of Everyday lives for families studies the significance of such things that we take for granted.

Cherish life with your children

Having read `Cooking for Gracie' and ` How to cook like a man' I wanted to see how the hunter feels at home.
While authors and musicians can decrease the stress of parenting, the author with an idea of the parent he wanted to be, didn't mind climbing over the parental gender gap. It is not a blow by blow of everyday parenting but the big picture of how parenting changes the perception of a parent. The author uses anecdotes from his and his wife's experiences to make his point in the story of great parenting of understanding your childhood/self through your children.
His parenting story takes an extraordinary turn with his daughter's type I diabetes requiring regular monitoring of insulin.
The language is simple. The book operates at an emotional level. The author's lessons can be extended to how to enjoy life itself and not just parenting, by being there.
Little incidents like storing practice home run balls, letting his child shop for the doll he wants long enough to see the achievement of picking the most wanted illuminate how life can be saved in our memory as a sweet memento.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Truth in transition

The book deals with how first appearances and impressions are deceitful when it comes to horses as well as friends.
The first 60 pages are slow. Not much happening in the story, mostly setting of how the trio of horses came to be in the barn. But that's too long in a 140 page book to expect the reader to remain hooked without promise. But once over that bump, the story gallops.
The title is clumsy.
sugar cubes for horses

Do You Dream in Color?: Insights from a Girl Without Sight

Tussauds allows you to touch their exhibits. Laurie is disappointed when museums dont allow her Tactile access.

Peter and the Wolf
Scat singing


Who wouldn’t go to school if it was at LoveCraft Middle school with such bizarre and mysterious incidents like a swarm of insects and all the adventures it entails in figuring out whats going on. The scared need not apply.
Instead of one superman with all powers, imagine a team of them with their nonapparent abilities (One of them is ghost who cant shake her culture from previous life.). That makes up for an interesting story. And instead of one evil guy, during the time of invasion, its many to fear and even more when you don’t know who falls on which side.
The cover is stunning with its hologram look. I almost mistook it for another 3D book.

I enjoyed this book even though I havent read the other 2 books in the series.

Fullback (American_football)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Theres a superhero in our house

Military supports many heroic professions other than the soldier. Moms can be superheroes and transformers. They even make heroes of their children.
The kids will be in awe to find what mom is capable of and look up to one of the roles. Like they wouldnt already.

The illustrations in the book were rendered on a Fabriano artistico paper

with Winsor & Newton watercolours.

I work in a class. Who am I?

Kids learn a lot about the many professions of people but not so much about the one used to teach. Many kids love to role play as a teacher for the authority.
This book does the job of shadowing a teacher for a week to see all that she does for children helping them learn and play. The sentences on the opposite pages rhyme.
As kids on teachers day in India, some of us would get to be in their shoes for that day and see what it takes to teach a class.
I was wondering if there is a Barbie teacher.

And then I wondered if there is a Barbie Artist.
Too fashionable.
A mix of both is the art teacher.

Author Patricia Hubbell

The man who painted acres

All I knew about Diego before starting this book is from the movie Frida.
This book has about 30 poems and a picture to go with almost each of them.
This format of biography works well but I have my doubts about how much of it will kids understand when it comes to Diego’s relationships. A memoir look at his work of say just his childhood or his love for his country and people might have been better.
The illustrations made using mixed media have the dreamlandish wash look. Two of the faces with side pose superposed on a 2D face give it the dual 3D look as well as the side pose. It reminds me of an essay ‘Eye Shadows’ in ‘Possibility: Essays against Despair’ where the author calls it the flounder look.
I learnt of Mexican cubism and the flower festival through his works that have been printed in the book.

Aztec idols- clay puppies. One of his wife served his favourite in a soup.

Picture strong

The story of how Ollie the slug makes it to the team with no apparent skills is endearing with the pictures of creepy crawlies with limbs one too many required for the game. the text does not come in the way of pictures. The colours stand out well. And when the rain turns the ground muddy, the field is full of it with all players in the same colour. There are some pages where the page is split into pictures which paces the story.

The pictures in this book were made on an illustration board with Acrylic, ink and pen.