
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Who am I?

I crawl on my belly at a snail pace
But I have no carapace

I have a foot and no bones
But I make no bones about it

My movements are smooth on slime
But I stop in my tracks on gas lime.

Translating geography

I heard a man proposed in Antarctica.
What is the Antarctica, the Everest of the mind?

Understanding the east and west

Somebody else's century

Hope forever

Whether it be the Berlin Wall, apartheid, the bad old coercive Soviet system, or our own bad old coercive business systems, it seems that any foundations not now built on the realities of human relationship are being swept away by the forces of our time. - Crossing the Unknown sea, David Whyte.

Standing the test of time or falling under.


.. but even during Lithuania's relatively benign interregnum golden period, quotas limied the number of Jews who could practice law. - Al Jaffee, Mad Life

The illustrations in this book are unique with all the mischievous acts that the author was upto as a child.


Lithuanian Lapta is similar to Indian Gulli danda

How did you view adults in your childhood? Al Jaffee was anti adults.

Fish pond

.. the powers that be decided to poison the pond so that they could get rid of pickerel and bass and horned pout and turtles and stock it with trout. - Mark Vonnegut, Just like someone without mental illness only more so

one question that all adults like to ask kids , 'What will you be when you grow up?'. Mark's 'I should have been a doctor' at 25 from his 9-10 yr old self, made him a doctor.

Once Mark Vonnegut brought home RSV. Contagion does not fear doctor. Therese J. Borchard calls the playroom as 'pink-eye pit' in her memoir Beyond Blue

I talked with Lincoln and Twain
and Dostoyevsky and played
saxophone with Coltrane.
- Mark Vonnegut.

Tree of Hippocrates at harvard from a sapling from Kos.

First do no harm
- Hippocrates
Applies to engineers too. Dont break things while fixing broken stuff.