
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

When are you done appreciating art

When you cam move onto the next
when you are hungry or angry
when you are tailgated


Global Sociology, Introducing Five Contemporary societies begins with Japan. Sadly, my book has only two societies, Japan and Egypt.
Reading about Japanese children blocks being big and involving teamwork, I want to knwo mroe about other societies.
Reading of deviant behavior, I want to know more about what holds the 'culture' in place. If there is a mechanism for preservation or flexibility is a part of it. Japan, small still has half of US population. In the beginning the author talk of its culture being open to influences, yet to know how it assimilates the deviances.

Morning tidings

Mocking bird just woke up at 5.50

An hour later, clouds rolled out like fish scales end with a thick edge.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sky Harbor's heavy purse

As I got off the elevator at baggage claim, I couldnt help noticing the sparkles on the floor and the newness of a building about to be occupied while there were parts of the walls high above still wrapped in white plastic. Paul Goldberger, in Situation Terminal calling airports a logistical nightmare reasons that the last thing the cash-starved airlines and airport authorities want to think about is aesthetic appeal.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wake up

The morning sunlight
turns eucalyptus
and every other tree
around into
a flowering acacia

A far neighbor has
a rooster

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I want to understand what does it mean to have people dying of starvation. 'Aid' if it does not work without production. Reading of The Great Starvation Experiment, I see why someone has to volunteer for this exam. A person in malnutrition state might seem like an ideal candidate for the study. But for moral reason, a starving person will have to be restored to health.

Last night

there were clouds
woke up this mornign with a thought
to write on cross-cultural myths.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Piled paper

Can you start yourself
over again
throwing your
versions of past
as perforated sheets
torn from a note pad

Or is life
a scrapbook with pages
one not like the other
to fit into the book

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Food in Travel

With Extreme Chocolate , Three Chopsticks and Kabul Nights by Kristin Ohlson, theres more food than ever in the Best American Travel Writing 2008.
When Super Chef edits.

weekends of a pine tree

Sunlight falls on the edge
threads of gold shimmer
like poms poms from
bicycle handles

Above that pine tree
the moon awaits to
bathe the sun basked

Friday, September 17, 2010

The kite wades with the wind

into the depths of the void
into the beyond

If I have to pray instead
how can I believe a

If the ocean holds the pearl
let me dive

If the heavens hold gods
let me soar

No kite flying

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I just hope the snakes don't get out of the cargo hold next.
- Anne Lamott. Traveling Mercies.

Fears out of the collective consciousness crawls into the movie.
Flipping pages of WildLife Encyclopedia, I shuddered at a page with a picture of an adder with its fork tongue hanging. Later when I read that it 'looks menacing but is harmless', I accepted it more. And then I dont squirm at an adder with its little babies, four of them around her in their S shapes. Having just seen videos of camel, dolphin birthing videos, I dont find them revolting.

Life and Death in Slo Mo

Lichen is what reduces rock to soil and sand.
- Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies.

I first came across this word in connection with Robert Frost's poem mending wall. Why is water so pervasive a sculptor? Making bridges, eroding banks. Undoing the effect of fire and gravity. Is all life, war of the elements of nature?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mirror Test

Yesterday there was a dog in my room. He was making a reconnaisance of all things lying around. He happened to stand in front of a mirror. It didnt register. He didnt show a sign of recognising himself.

Still Life

Apples. Oranges. Jugs. Linen on Table.

The beginning of still Life.

Then figs, pears and exotic.

Looking at Mendelez's hacked water melon dripping, ripped pomegranate with glistening pink pearls, cantaloupe with the seeds still held in the sticky mass, hanging.

Fish. Lobster. They join the rank too. For them its an antithesis to be called still life.

Mendelez's artichokes, cauliflower are the most unexpected.

Master of the Spanish Still Life