
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, August 1, 2010

All in a day

Pittsburgh Steelers ABC: My First Alphabet Book (My First Alphabet Books (Michaelson Entertainment)) 

Last Monday I was upto many things.
Least of which was dropping a car key into the recycle dumpster before a license extension task.
Once there my eyes scanned at 'when driving at 65 miles per hour, to halt it takes a distance longer than a football field'.
This line is from Saturday Evening Post, January/February , 1975 included in Patterns Plus

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A walk by a dried lake

It is a weekend of clouds. A relief in many months. A week ago, the dam burst. I should have expected the loss of water. There is water in some spots just a surface of it. There are small fish, dried and slaked in mud. A bicycle. Many crate skeletons and tires.
When I started the walk, I was torn between two choices - one of taking the routine walk which would bring back the routine of months ago and the other of going east. In the east direction, there has been some development- a mall. Long time ago, I couldnt take that path as there was no path. On the northern side too, new condominiums have come up, the lake and park have been built on that side too. I wasnt sure if the northern and southern side were connected. Between these two banks there is a disconnected bank. So we need two connections. To find out I have to walk ahead. I havent done that in a while. Exploring by walk.
First section SE. There are about 10 turkey vultures in air and on land. One seems to be bothering another. I can see their necks red. When they soar, the white of their wings. I wished to sit on the bank steps, in their line of sight but police cordons prevented it. As I kept walking I saw a great blue heron still with its right foot lifted at an angle and that can only mean one thing, it has found a prey. Sure enough, its bill sticks out of a water with a fish in it. I go as far as the path leads me to a 'no trespassing' sign. I trace the steps back and cross the bridge.
Second section NE. I have never been this side. As I walk ahead, there is a small dog with bark. The owner, dog and I are in a triangle. I freeze to let the distance between them reduce. There are a set of high chairs around a table. I could sit here another time with a book. I pass another bridge. Then come viewing areas of ponds with yellow water lilies and a strict instruction to stay on the path. I almost reach curry road. Time to turn around. kill deers. Sandpipers. Snowy egrets. Doves. Grackles. House Finches.
Once I reach the main bridge, I am in a familiar terrain. While crossing by the marina, I find a small silver fish partly hanging from a railing. In the front part only the eye ring remains like a snail. Its strange that the wind did not lodge it down. I think of Tisdale's essay of ' The sutra of maggits and blowflies' and find a sticky looking secretion by the side which would have been the adhesive. What led the bird leave its food in haste?
Next week I want to head west.
A kid looks at the countdown number of the traffic and says ' Run, we have only 3 min' to his parents.
Yesterday two kids walking on each side of a parent are running with their little feet, hands held, to make the light. A girl and a kid who just fell are jumping that they are close to mojo yogurt and that they can have icecream.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


This year I waited for the rain
for three and a half weeks
The first two weekends there
were clouds with a faint smell of
This weekend there were 3 drops.

Monday 10 drops.
Yesterday earth sent
a phantom wet smell.
Clouds and odors carry the
trust away

I drifted into the daily chores
Loud patter
In the balcony I reach my hands
out into the air
hands dripping, I wonder if
I should go for the drench

Today the medium rain
is a state where
I stay in it for a while
like I would in the sun


The trees in the canopy determine the trees in the understory and sometimes the trees in the understory can replace the predominant species.

The Life of The Forest.Jack McCormick.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Painting Light with its concept of shadow having a colour.

The green in Gustave Caillebotte's Boats and Shed on the Bank of the Seine reminded of the painting in yupha's Thai kitchen.

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot's Forest of Fontainebleau with the cow, made me wonder if it is possible to draw it as in the shades. Then I moved onto the rock fissure, then the trees. Smaller trees around merge into a huge one.

My new interest in trees has me reading Trees of North America and The Life of the forest

To date, I have identified Sycamore and fig trees from the guide. I felt the need for a guide after spotting a shrub in the South mountains on Holberts trail with its pod that I wanted to know more about.

Sometimes when I leaf through the book, one leaf does look very different from the other, even the pine cones. Just like how the kind of birds increase as we keep paying attention to them.

When I see the picture of a bird in a picture with text identifying an animal, I want to know of the bird too.

Laundry Drying of Gustave Caillebotte looks like smoke from a factory or the top of a factory.

Infrared reflectography shows all the underdrawings on a canvas.

Talk of the building

Conversations with Frank Gehry

I came across Frank Gehry as an architect in a movie on Louis Kahn.

Each building brings with it the chance of using a new material.In this book, looking at models of Weisman Art Museum in brown (may be wood), white and metal, I could see how each material lends a different look to the building. The wooden seeming one recalled adobe houses.

Lewis Library and its Finnish influence?

pg.94 Gehry left models(metal)outside for an entire year to see how different seasons affect the building.

Tempe Centre of Arts architecture and more.

Urban Decay

When cliff dwellers left
their homes
it wasnt a blight.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Grand Motions

The Great Railway Bazaar Train through Asia by Paul theroux

Books with maps have never disappointed me.

His encounters with some kind of people seem to be so skewed. He has a very good style of making any kind of conversations fit into the book. A town that I was in had its train station at one end. If it can be generalized then his travel is only through the edges of towns meeting certain kinds of people and those experiences wont be a good sample of the whole.

In a para, he sums up how trains in different countries are different with different amenities.

I wasnt prepared for his experiences in Japan.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Power and thereof

Men are not corrupted by the exercise of power or debased by the habits of obedience, but by the exercise of a power which they believe to be illegal and by obedience to a rule which they consider to be usurped and oppressive.

Alexis de Tocquille

Once in power, every effort will be done to not lose it. If possible even to gain more power. To gain new powers, new weaknesses have to be brought about somewhere. When competitive, the artifice is limited to one side of the table.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Crossing borders

The place to study, work, live - all away from home is foreign. The days leading to the departure- the crossing of the border.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Why I read

I saw a sentence with 'subvert' in it. It was the last sentence in a para.

That is a word I cant come up with in writing. It scares me. Still I read.

Trepan, Palacles in 'The Sutra of Maggots and Blowflies'

Monday, July 12, 2010

Status of a situation

Know the problem. Know the device.
How far can the device highlight your problem?

we do not directly know of the problem. A tool tells us that something is not right.
when the tool stops talking, how to guess the happening?

Problem hiding a problem.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Writing and Spirituality

If the writers work is already present and waiting to be found, then for those looking for God, is he an island for the floating? All paras need to be good for an article to work. If the beginning eludes, then Writing in Reverse as jill dearman suggests might work. If that doesnt, snuggle into the paras and get in somehow. There must be a group of islands. some small. some big.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

In a childs hands

horseshoe stakes become cymbals
bean bags begin bean wars
fishing rods become swords
and hoola hoops can rain as drops

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sixty years later

Dee does not care about things she hasnt worked for. There was a rumor that ism would not be tolerated. Her friend Umbre's life is hard to imagine without the daily routine of chants. She cannot recall the hymns she sang every morning. Her book is warped with alphabets she cannot recognise.

After listening to the Mongolian throat singing, I can appreciate the mockingbird emanating throaty buzzes.

Looking down from the Light house , SanDiego seemed like a Greek polis with occupied rolling land.