
Net Galley Challenge

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Series of get over for babies

Reading the book made me feel like it was a mini pacifiers anonymous.

Fiction in storytelling

While the story is about sharing, it is kind of sad if the fish has to tear away its permanent scales to have friends. May be the story could start with the fish putting on the colourful scales somewhere, so it is clear that it wont harm the fish to give away its scales.

Rainbow nails dont look off.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pyjama strings vs Book mark

Tug of war poetry - Me, myself and Irene?
Telegram poem - Buffalo war

As possible as yeast - first line of poem 'i am not done yet'. This poem compares with Emily D's work.

Can you imagine Luiclle's two headed woman? Will two headed shark give you a clue?

Confession. Conclude something in each stanza, let your last stanza be the collection of the above conclusions.

Sorrow song. Duty of a poet. Be the hundred voices.

Grange hall  in White America

Pomo Shasta Esalen
History as baby

Her endings
1. For the mute
'too many languages
for one mortal tongue'
2. If our granchild be a girl
'the feast of women,
the feeding and
being fed'

I knew of a couple of famous poems by Lucille Clifton but never felt pushed to explore her work further. Looking at this collection, I gave up even before trying by the enormity of the book. But after being lured into other collections, I have realised how an authors whole body of work speaks in a definite voice. With most poets, we need guides. Not with Lucille Clifton, atleast to enjoy it in first reading. Direct to reader poetry. 
The verse is so light (all simple worlds) that its hard to believe that one can write on weighty issues and still write on/from dreams, poetry for relatives and a letter and followups to Superman - not in the tone of 'Rescue me'. She taunts the forces be to topple her like those dolls that will never touch face with ground. 
Repetition used to good effect of gaining familiarty and belongingness.

A title begins with ellipsis leading to God.

Monday, March 25, 2013

I am about to attend a class on how o write something special for your family.
It must refer to On birth of bomani and salt.

Poetry exercise: As in the salt poem, can you think of a same thing that is different to all.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


If you have to make a decision between a recess can and pendant light and f it seems like a now or never decision, you can freeze. But what a relief it is, in those heaps of Lowe's ads lies music with a kit to convert recessed light to hanging pendant
Mailing in the returns to save some money, I had to guess how many stamps would go onto the envelope. I wouldnt have to if I had a postage scale. It requires
ring magnets. Did you see them maintain a distance.  
If you have your tinkering shorts on, here's a book with a persistence of vision clock, dart clock 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Animalcula young scientists guide has a section on 'The Role of creativity in Science' where the author asks the reader to draw a clown. Recently a friend asked me to draw a dog. He had some mini dog sculptures. but I had to do it without looking at inspiration. As I drew, I knew that the boy wasnt that of a dog but of sheep, but I couldnt draw it otherwise. The author says yes you have to draw to be a real scientist 
Paglum imiitates whats closest to it. A good character for children book. The piece by Seth Fried begins with a list of animals. I wondered why. Now I know. Its fiction.

Friday, March 22, 2013


Power. We learn about Marie Curie's invention, but not all of the story.

Robert Hass points out that Adrienne Rich's poems go further than other poets.
internal gaps in Upper Broadway. I go to the next line too fast. By maintaining the gaps, there is a tension between what would have been hacked lines.

'To spin and weave in the same action
from her own body, anywhere -
even from a broken web' - Adrienne Rich.

Nature - our hope stash.

My baby puts forward chewed chapathi into my mouth.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Party in progress

10 Little Hot dogs

When the book jacket read ten little hot dogs going to sleep.. I started wondering well thats not new.. Ten little monkeys on a bed start rolling out of the bed one by one reducing the count of the ones on the bed. And the answer is: You count up and then down. And each hot dog brings something to the party on the huge plush chair. To make the read more challenging, you can point the colour of things being added to the party. You can then point to similar colour objects in the room or spot the objects in the room. As the whole situation goes on in the same place, the illustration does not get too different from the previous page other than the addition of the hot dogs and the objects they like to play with.
If you like more variations on the animals going to sleep. There's seven Little bunnies by Julie Stiegemeyer.

Seven ways to sleep

Seven little bunnies. They all fall asleep in the end, the same way cozy, dozy, drowsy... but each gets there having tired themselves out with different things. The illustrations are colourful. As each bunny plays different game, the picture changes quite a bit with each bunny falling asleep. Since the book starts with seven bunnies, you can ask the child pointing to the bunnies already asleep, how many are still awake? The rhyme is not quick, that difficulty might make it better for an advanced reader, in which case you can use one bunny's story a day to put your little reader to sleep.
If you are interested in variations of animals going to sleep, there's 10 little hot dogs by John Himmelman.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Super marble

I saw a kid aged eight walk into a party with a book. I half expected it to be 'The Diary of a Wimpy Kid'. I asked him if he knew how to play the game of Marbles. He didnt. I explained what I knew of it. Later I found him reading the book. Asked him for a summary. He told of a competition between Arthur and Grandma. Arthur learnt the game from Grandma but she hasnt taught him all the tricks. Then he asked me to guess who wins. I said grandma and then recalled the title 'Arthur loses his marbles'. 

Why write

Why these famous authors write

You will like this book if you are new to writing or you are intrested in the specificity of
 the authors in this book.


While choosing design options for a home, sections of friends houses say a gourmet kitchen, pendant lights in one house, their neighbour's backyard fan, a desk in the kitchen of a house started falling in mind as jigsaw puzzle pieces.
When I went to a relatives house with same builder, it felt like I had an answer sheet to the question paper.
The non rectangular sink is basic.

After project management, I can understand why changing options is expensive. It is to curtail frequent changes which can derail the projec schedule.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I like how Japanese and Chinese art with its simple lines can evoke emotions.

What were your favourite toys as kids? Now I like miniature stuff.

Today I heard the chanting of a mouring dove on a pole. The one on the next pole had the same things to say. The me bird in visual.

daily dozen something like Surya namaskara

Daisy wheel printer

Dakhma. Tower of silence.

Damp box - Wow, wipes can stay moist now, even in summer.

Damp dry - When dry clothes are being ironed in India, a splatter of drops through your fingers makes them enough damp dry.


Dancing frog

From Kitchen chemistry, Dave Barry might be lost in the kitchen. My husband likes to help me in the kitchen while I am cooking, but I find it so much easier to chop/cook on auto pilot.

Things fall apart

A letter from the Obgyn. Tough times for obgyns. It is hard to imagine the coveted doctors in peril. Changing face of medicine in 2013. They had implemented EHR. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

That one word

Bibesy is one word, if I had to choose from 20 obsolete english words that should make a comeback. It brings mind to pipasa. An Indian word very close in meaning to it. Dictionary is a cousin of encyclopaedia.

I too was plunged into a Hindi class after I switched schools 2 months after the school year. Until then I was learning two letter words - memorizing them - na la = nal (tap). And then I am in a class where the whole book is full of Hindi words.

One of the poems in Hindi, was about naveenatha (novelty) - like the newness of the life in spring. The trees outside were all grey barks, thin and thick. When noises of that of a rat jumping woke me up, I didnt realise the call of the rain. The leaves new and green heard it, earlier than me.

In high school, we cried to remember the dates of lives of writers and now we search all about them.

How does a teacher feel introducing metaphors to a class. I was all ears for my first idiom (the car) broke down in Bushman lesson.

paryay vachan. Synonyms.

Make your own sentences.

Word from the dictionary: Mafra. into a tweet story

The bat wings firm on the ground - push up stance. Wake up said the librarian. You have work to do. Insects to chew. At the Mafra library.

Start thinking about court as a place to pay, you forget that it is also where judges go.

Why frogs need Magainin.

Write a Magalogue

Magatama, half of the whole. Yin or yang. Looks like a cashew. Regalia of Japan. The other two - sword and mirror. Mirror stood for wisdom. Narcissus should have become Solomon. Mirror test.

Adarsa - mirror - perfect in likeness of reflection. Ideal. Idol. To want to be like them.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Heard books

My friend is reading this book and told me of another

I took the easy route and watched it on pbs. String theory bringing all the dimensions in Eschers sketches to screen.


Code to enter

From world literatures travel writing, I stopped at The lonely planet guide to my apartment.


As you enter, watch your step. Thats my show slipping out the door. Generating that tuft of wool is my daughter's favourite time pass. You have 3 degrees of freedom from here, actually four if you havent taken your first step in. To the left for the hungry, straight on for nature calls and the right for company.

What to bring:

If you like movies not available on Netflix bring your favourite DVDS and a DVD player.
Sambhar, if you love it.
Get your own ear buds. We might soon banish them.

When to Go:

Best time, middle of the weekend, if we are not at the library, center of the arts or any other time promised on the phone.

Local Customs:

Baby hurdles. We like to keep you on your toes. So look out for toys.


Dust is retained for vintage. Allergics, Get your SARS cap on.

Society and Culture

Women travellers

Number of avaliable men: 0

Dangers and Annoyances

For the reasons understood to the maintenance team AC in one room aged faster than the rest of the apartment.

Volunteer organizations
Needed helpers for spring cleaning
Vacuum lifters.
Organizers after spring cleaning.

Things to see and do
Check out the ladysfinger, chilli , tomato and eggplants. Few of them are for aesthetic enhancement.
Gallery of found, gifted objects, decorations on the walls.
Rare books from the library sale.

Places to Eat
Indian, Indian with Italian ingredients

Night life
The leaking and hyper flush will be your constant company.

Sports and Outdoor activities:
Laundry, Gardening, sunbathing

In few years, baby can give a guided tour of her room

Mule Rental
If you are an infant or a toddler, you can get a rocker or a stroller ride

Chatty hummingbirds, wild cats that have been self potty trained to poop in our backyard.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

real Stories from those who make them up

Kurt Andersen in Going south brings up Depth charge wile talking of a drink. Drinks and Car Bomb. The author admits that he is not able to recall all the details. with that, he lends credibility to an age old memory even though its a big no to say that you dont remember anything to your reader. But you can wake up and find yourself in  The Mountain mine and not recall where you are. All those vacation places, where you wonder what would it be like to stay there, assuming that place is not open to the ravages of modernity. I have thought of a life in Nainital. 

Among Saudi sands, Keija Parssinen finds the yard and house of her childhood smaller than she remembered. After college, when I went to my grandparents place, the long walk that the fields seemed to be at, were all very close. No wonder the old game goes on Are we there yet and its few more steps away. I have seen an aerial view of Dubai landing in. Does that count towards knowing the place from the most vantage point possible? And from there, I saw the Fountain Hills in action. 

The travelers at some point relate to the places they have been to like they would with lovers.

You cant go to that country (India) and not have your relationship to colour change.- Sophie Cunningham

To those who would awaken makes you want to round up your whole writing into a one, continuous flow.

hone after something


Page 14 of Barely south April 2012,
and grip my open palm like landing along
with the image of doves just released that take to flight
express more than the sum of words.

The motion would be hard to explain, but once you think from the bird's action and put in all that you know about a perch, it becomes vivid.

While reading the beginning of Regeneration at Mukti, it pulls the reader in with all the details of the house. As a reader, you give all your senses to build that picture in your mind.

When I read a short story by Steve fisher in Triquarterly, when the narrator talks of windows opening around, my scene had tiny windows opening out of the narrators biceps.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Constrain that tap

100 word story  challenge.

I tried writing a small story of an incident that the photo prompt of bed sheets reminded me of. It was launching into a bio while what i wanted to capture was how gifts aid in categorizing memories. I managed to kill the project and realise that it s hard to write in 100 words.

A bedsheet fading. Maroon in color with thread work from Rajasthan. From a best friend in college. Before I left to USA for higher education. But I havent been to her hometown in college. No, its from the time we were roommates for about a year and less. Week days only. Weekends were when I put the Encyclopedia of Great Literature from the office library to work. 

But the format is a good exercise to make your journaling and memoiring spiffy.

How the world came to be

The world is a sphere
Did it begin as the splice with
the biggest radius

And then
a faux garden well
The igloo with no door
closing in

The upturned basket
now ready to bear
The rest of the world

Making your cardboard tree

I have been into too much Family art lately with family away - soon to reunite. I wonder if I should spend time with family or go for that How to write for a special occasion of a family member workshop. And then Tempe center of arts offers:

Family Art Workshop with Mitch Fry
Cardboard Trees

TCA exhibiting artist Mitch Fry will bring recycled pieces of wood and cardboard for children and adults to create small tree sculptures reminiscent of his own work. Fry began a career as a designer and manufacturer of custom residential, commercial and retail furnishings which has spanned more than 33 years. Today he works on large and small scale sculptures and commissions and especially enjoys working with wood and found materials.

Mitch fry

On the left is my tree having blown in the wind. On the right is my sister's interpretation of tree. When I entered the gallery, I could see all the material for the workshop on a table and then works on the walls by various artists. When Tempe rubber dams burst, they didnt know they would be becoming placeholders for artists. Julie Anand's Long print with white background matching the wall lent the found objects a 3D quality. If you are a walker, hoarder of things you find on those walks, then you will relate to her work. I have a stone, a seed, a five rupee note (now that put the meaning right back to 'Early to rise, early to bed  makes a man, healthy, wealthy and wise.). Some other works broke out of their medium by installing a partly burnt wood from the recent largest fire, here in AZ. Local artists rose to the Green revolution challenge.

The piece that looks curly headed is my sun/clouds all in one. Today is Shivaratri. In Rudra, Lord shiva is said to be sun. My sister wanted blue for the water. And 'Purple' sheet was added to the materials for sunset. Lord Shiva is depicted purple/blue.

While reading Julie Anand's Q&A about 'What do you learn from students', I was reminded of the meaning that I had just read of shanti mantra om sahana vavatu that we recited everyday at school.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What they say

On writing
Some more on writing
Novelists-ebooks challenge fiction rules - Wow. No chapter book. GPS aware books reminds of Chandramukhi Tamil movie with its 'ra ra' Telugu song. When adapted into other regional language, the foreignness of the song was maintained wrt to the language of the whole movie.
There is a joke in Telugu about an object bought in foreign where it only turns out to be 'made in India' brought from a foreign country. Or how about that broken time translation I do to the 'what time is it now in India'. I get the numbers right but not the am/pm.

A persian saying - Dont misjudge pepper by its size.

Writing is like cooking
Writing tips
How to write
Liberating the essay
To spark creativity
Seven rules for managing creative people
Author website tips
Writing tips
blogging tips for authors

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Find the total area

Survey officer,
a maths problem continued:
found an irregular land
He had split the place
into parts with axial
and spines each forming
a shape whose area
could be easily calculated
by the basic formulas
Then you add them up.


I like tea. More tea, more like. There was some left in the kettle. I waited for my cup to finish. And then there was none. All evaporated by the heat the kettle was on


The Indian plough
rectangular a has
wooden base
on sit to
kids and tired
it on squat teenagers
while the ox
on carry

A colour for a thing

Why are the barks green
or sky blue
Rainbow eucalyptus
would make them all alike
and  that we would not

But there are
rainbow trees
in places you havent been
labs of the nature


My dad knew that the
money was in the
At one of the buildings
he just ducked into it
It wasnt a door or a
Not a welcome hole


On dream and writing

Doing your thing

There are books about how people make it big.
1. Skip College. They are just one in a billion. And so are billionnaires.
2. Street smarts(Jim Rogers), Playing to win, Digital Disruptors.

I was thinking on these lines of a person who thinks about making the currency. What about a character who does the opposite. One who investigates all the ways of taking money out of others. Like a tax collector. I am thinking of Pale King.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Glad to wake up

It was raining.
I'm in the town I grew up.
I wanted to tell some people
who I was
To see if they could recognize me
I hadnt changed, still a child

A miscreant next to us
My husband snatched his phone
and another device and dropped
it into a well.
We dropped him too.
some fellows were helping us
One of them turned against us

I am on the run and hiding
in a hospital
in the rooms of doctors
a helpful acquaintance

alas, I have to leave
I reach the edge of a building
contemplating falling
and then I glide down

All around the building trained women
are looking for me

Then little dogs catch my scent
I enter into a farm house
and they fall into the dung

PS: Essay staiger odyssey. For times when you itch to write a long essay.

In the dictionary

are the answers.
Metastasize has now entered the non medical lexicon.
Greeks knew the word centuries ago
But only after the English knew cancer

While questions take time to form.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Which tree?

No leaves on trees
Tiny black pellets 
seeds of a tree 
nature has its way of 
getting into into your living room 
without knocking the door


A friend recently said that she fast for 6 months of which the first 4 months stint is called Chaturmasya. She said it helped with her spirituality. In NAMTA Journal Vol 27, Number 3 of Summer 2002 titled Montessori Spiritual: God, Evolution and the Natural world, I saw the definition of Spirituality by Csikszentmihayli - "when a person invests energy in trying to connect and go beyond the self, that is what we usually call spiritual". (Recognise the 'flow' guy)

AmritaBindu Upanishad. When/how does desire start? 

Things you can take for granted

A while ago, my roommate recommended this book. The book sat on the shelf for some years now. Into it, I related to the author's confusion of age during his college years. 
When the old dying asks the author to breathe and count to show his decreasing abilities, I was reminded of Randy Pausch demonstrating his fitness before his imminent death.

Another writer with ALS

When you punish someone, what/who are you punishing - the soul? Where is the permanent world?

Related books:


Gap between God and man

When we hear of a controversy like misrepresentation of accepted idols or the Tum Hi Bandhu song from cocktail movie where some of the line shave been appropriated from sacred lines. Hindu gods and goddess have to fight not just evil and demon but their mischaracterization in art. Our thought and idea bin is formed from the roots of our culture. That common language will be used to express the modern/current life. If you say your love is as sacred as god, we have to accept the change that has happened to 'god' in your mind through time.
There is the eternal god that we accept that we still dont know much about and our own understanding of god that is coming of our daily experiences of love and society. These two may meet.

Is our life stage wrt understanding the eternal, like the childhood of man - where we dont know or understand all things yet.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Beauty of mess

Havent we read enough of Americans travelling to Asia? But still, we read on expecting a different arc. In Unquiet Americans essay she notes that her husband is physically transformed. What a traveler is open to? Let the place change him.

other country's cash referred to as monopoly cash in the above essay.
reverse pioneering in 'Joan Didion'.
Shell game - A similar game can be seen in Telugu movies from earlier decades.
Joan Didion article is continued in the book.